I add here two inscriptions which have been found or come to light in recent years (but which have yet to make it into the online database). The first was discovered after submission of my thesis, but made it into the publication. The second came to my notice later, courtesy of Andreas Schaub, city archaeologist for Aachen. It was apparently found as long ago as 1974, but never previously shown to an historian or an archeologist and I am not sure if it has even yet been formally published (over to someone with better access to recent editions of L'Annee Epigraphique than myself). [now to be found in AE2006; this entry edited in accordance]
L(uci) Octavi / L(uci fili) Pol(lia) / Martialis / Eporedia /
m(ilitis) leg(ionis) XX
‘Lucius Octavius Martialis, son of Lucius, of the Pollian
voting tribe, from Eporedia, soldier of the Twentieth legion’
Britannia 36 (2005), 476 no. 3 (Gloucester)
numinibus / divor(um) Aug(ustorum) in / [h]onorem domus /
[d]ivinae Iul(ia) Tiberina Q(uinti) Iul(ii) / [.]avi uxo(r)
c(centurionis) l[e]g(ionis) XX Val(eriae) Vic(tricis) ae/
des Matri d[eu]m et Isidi ex voto / de [s(ua) p(ecunia)?] s(oluit) l(ibens) m(erito)
'To the divine spirits of the deified emperors and in honour of the divine house, Julia Tiberina, wife of Quinus Iulius [Fl]avus centurion of the Twentieth Legion Valeria Victrix, [dedicated? set up?] this altar to the Mother godesses and to Isis (out of her own funds), willingly and deservedly fulfilling vow'
AE2006.864 (Aachen in the area of the Bücheltherme Roman baths)
5 [N]avi? The name is less usual. A Q. Iulius Flavus, centurion of leg I Minerva, is known from the Rhine CIL XIII 8172; AE 1930.23
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