This blog, in case you haven't arrived by that route, is an offshoot of my Twentieth Legion website, itself a byproduct of my PhD research (now completed and already seeming like an age ago). The title is something I may get round to explaining later.
The theme (on the whole) will be Roman military epigraphy, legionary histories and hierarchies (rangordnung), with a side-order of onomastics. Military equipment, re-enactment and the like has never been my thing (unless someone can come up with some convincingly unit-specific equipment or decorative styles, in which case I will start to get very interested).
I rather let the website die early last year, having done little to maintain it for a while. Changing ISPs was a rather more drawn out process than it should have been. On top of that acquiring a new computer which then lived in a box for 18months didn't help (change of personal circumstances; we've built the library/office now at last). Backups, backups, backups. If not for the Wayback Machine this would have been a whole lot harder. Still some things to fix. Still some new ideas to try (watch this space).
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